
RWRPG - A Guide to GURPS Books

Page history last edited by W.J.Walton 15 years, 9 months ago


Reading, Writing, & Roleplaying



A Guide to GURPS Books



Sourcebooks for Steve Jackson Games' GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying System) are an invaluable tool for anyone running a roleplaying simulation, regardless of what system they're using. Each is packed with information about a specific culture or time period, and described in game terms that are easily converted to any system.


If you're looking for a simple version of the GURPS RPG system, check out GURPS Lite.


For a full list of GURPS sourcebooks (not just the historical books), visit  www.sjgames.com/gurps/books


All titles below are linked to their respective pages on the Steve Jackson website.  Titles marked "Out of Print" are no longer printed by Steve Jackson Games,  but may be available from their site, in game stores, or on eBay.  Titles with an e23 link are available in PDF format on Steve Jackson's e23 online store.


This list was last edited on February 28th, 2009 - status of some of these books may have changed since that date.



Age of Napoleon

Arabian Nights - Out of Print -e23

Aztecs - Out of Print  - e23

Camelot - Out of Print -e23

Celtic Myth - Out of Print

China - Out of Print -e23

Dinosaurs - Out of Print -e23



Ice Age - Out of Print - e23

Imperial Rome


Lands Out of Time - (4th edition) -e23

Middle Ages 1

Old West - Out of Print -e23

Places Of Mystery - Out of Print

Robin Hood - Out of Print -e23

Russia - Out of Print -e23

Scarlet Pimpernel - Out of Print -e23

Swashbucklers - Out of Print -e23

Timeline - Out of Print -e23


Who's Who 1 - Out of Print  -e23

Who's Who 2

WWII - Out of Print  -e23

WWII Hardcover

World War II Supplements:

WWII: All the King's Men
WWII: Dogfaces
WWII: Doomed White Eagle e23
WWII: Frozen Hell
WWII: Grim Legions
WWII: Hand of Steel
WWII: Iron Cross
WWII: Leyte Gulf e23
WWII: Michael's Army e23
WWII: Motor Pool
WWII: Return to Honor
WWII: Their Finest Hour e23



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