The Kid-Friendly RPG Locator
A listing of game stores, game clubs, conventions, schools, and libraries that feature kid-friendly roleplaying events.
The goal of this wiki project is to be a useful resource for parents, guardians, or anyone looking for kid-friendly roleplaying programs in their local area.
Ideally, this list will never be complete - as word gets around, more kid-friendly programs could begin to pop up in new places. (Sure, it's totally idealistic, but wouldn't it be great?)
If you know of a store, club, convention, school, or library that isn't on this list, see below for submission information.
One of the reasons that many stores, clubs, and conventions are apprehensive about providing programs for kids is because of the "babysitter syndrome," the tendency of some people to view it as an opportunity for free child care. In the end, this ruins the opportunity for other, more responsible people who would get the most out of such a program.
This list is not a resource for those who are looking for a free babysitting service, or to shirk their responsibilities to their children. Do not use it as such.
It should go without saying, but sadly doesn't: Be active in your child's activities. Don't leave your young child with strangers, and teach your older children how to interact with them, what is right and wrong, and how to find help if needed. Use common sense. Always confirm that events are held in public places. Your actions and decisions are your own. The Escapist, W.J. Walton, and any other participants in this project are not responsible for any acts of neglect or lack of responsibility that occur as a result of using this resource.
For more information on responsible stewardship of children for those who may need it, try a Google search for "parenting advice." Or, if possible, ask your parents.
If you would like to submit information to the wiki, use the following form - cut and paste it in an email to , and fill out all fields that apply.
Category (store/convention/club/library
Name: (of store/convention, etc.)
Phone number:
Email address:
Contact name:
Hours of operation (or days & hours at which the program is held)
Admission/membership fee:
Age limitations:
Feel free to describe your programs in any level of detail that you prefer - what game systems you use, scenarios, educational elements, etc. Don't be shy - there is currently plenty of room in the wiki for verbose entries.
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